5 Helpful Tips For Avoiding Stained Teeth

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, so it is important to take good care of your teeth. If your teeth have stains on them, you might not make the best first impression. If you avoid certain foods and change your habits, you can prevent stained teeth in the future. Here are five helpful tips for avoiding stained teeth.

Limit Dark-Colored Foods and Beverages

If you want to avoid staining your teeth, limit dark-colored foods and beverages such as berries, tea, coffee and red wine. The dark pigments in these foods and drinks can severely discolor your teeth. If you can't completely avoid them, at least rinse your mouth out with water afterward. 

Drink With a Straw

When you are drinking a glass of soda or juice, use a straw. A straw will keep the drink away from the front surfaces of your teeth, preventing stains. Drinking with a straw can also reduce your risk of getting cavities in the future.

Stop Smoking

You already know that smoking leads to lung cancer and heart problems. Did you also know that smoking cigarettes can also stain your teeth? If you smoke or chew tobacco, you should try to quit. If you are having trouble quitting on your own, ask your doctor for advice. Quitting the habit will leave you with nicer teeth and a healthier body.

Eat Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables

Another way to avoid stained teeth is to eat crunchy fruits and vegetables on a regular basis. Their crunchy texture gently scrubs food particles off your teeth and stimulates saliva flow. If you include apples, celery, carrots and pears in your diet, you will have noticeably whiter teeth.

Do not Forget to Floss

Flossing will not just lower your risk of gum disease; it can also keep stains off your teeth. A lot of plaque can accumulate between your teeth and leave stains on your pearly whites. Remember to thoroughly floss your teeth before you brush your teeth every day.

Discolored teeth do not look attractive, so you want avoid staining your pearly whites. If you follow these helpful tips, you can maintain white and bright teeth. However, if you still do get stains on your teeth, you should think about getting a professional whitening treatment at a dentist's office like Quality Dental Care. The process only takes about 20 minutes and will leave your teeth white and beautiful.
