3 Things You Can Use To Help Ease Anxiety About Going To The Dentist

Many people have fears of going to the dentist. The smells, sounds, and experience alone can be very unnerving and off-putting. For this reason, some people avoid going to the dentist, which is the worst thing that you can do. The longer you put off going to the dentist, the more likely you are to have a major problem that requires expensive treatment. Instead, it is better to educate yourself about the different options there are to make you feel comfortable while at the dentist so that you can find something that works for you. Here are some things you need to know.

1. Take Valium To Help Ease Anxiety

One of the best options if you feel great anxiety about going to the dentist is to request a Valium before the treatment. Valium is an anti-anxiety medication that helps to calm the nerves but still leaves you awake and alert. However, instead of feeling anxious and upset, you will experience a calming effect.

The great thing about Valium is that it works quickly. Like many anti-anxiety medications, you don't need to take it for days before it kicks in; instead it can take effect within minutes or a couple hours. For this purpose, you might want to ask the dentist for it before your appointment so that you can take it at home before you come so that it has plenty of time to kick in.

2. Nitrous Oxide To Take Off The Edge

Another option that is less intense than Valium is nitrous oxide. This is also known as laughing gas. This gas will help to calm the nerves, and will make you feel like you don't care, or can help you to feel happy and humorous. Laughing gas works immediately and gets out of your system in minutes. This is something that you can request when you get to the dentist to just help you relax.

3. In Extreme Cases Use Sedation

If your anxiety is extreme, you might want to try sedation. The dentist can use sedation right there in the office to help you to go into a light sleep, where you will not remember any of the procedure, but when you wake up you won't feel groggy. This is a good option if you are having a long or intense procedure done and are having a good deal of anxiety about it.

By understanding the things you can do to ease your anxiety about the dentist, you can have a better experience. For more information on your options, talk to a dentist at a dental office such as Crest Hill Family Dental.
