Scenarios Where Damaged Veneers Can Be Repaired

If you have dental veneers and also have a bruxism or tooth grinding issue, then you may notice some damage developing along your veneers. The good thing is that the veneers can be fixed in many situations, so keep reading to learn about the types of damage that may develop and also the methods that are used to make repairs.

Smaller Chips

Sometimes your dental veneers will chip, much like the natural tooth enamel. When this happens and the chip is smaller in nature, then your dental professional will often try to buff out the chip to even out the tooth or teeth. The buffing occurs with the use of a dental drill and a buffing head. Once the chip is buffed away, your dentist will inspect the other teeth near the chipped one and will smooth them out as well. This ensures that the teeth are completely smooth and in line with one another. 

In some cases, the chip will be too large to buff out. Sometimes a veneer will need to be replaced, but the chip may also be filled in with a composite compound. Composites are much cheaper than paying for a veneer. However, the material is similar to what is used to create fillings once a cavity is removed. The composite is typically a resin material instead of porcelain, so it may not look as natural when added to the mouth.

Loose Veneer

The veneer itself may come completely loose from the tooth, and this is called the debonding of the veneer. In the case of debonding, the veneer may or may not be broken. If the veneer is cracked, then there is a good chance it needs to be replaced. If it is completely whole and not broken in any way, then your dentist may be able to simply glue it back in place or rebond it. Your dental professional will inspect the veneer for signs of damage.

Your tooth should also be inspected, especially if the veneer has been away from the tooth for some time. The tooth may be damaged. For example, the exposed tooth dentin may develop a cavity, and this will need to be treated before the veneer is replaced. Also, sensitivities may be present, and if they are extreme, like in the case where the tooth itself is damaged, then a procedure like a root canal may be necessary before the veneer can be rebonded.

If you want to know more about veneers and whether or not damage can be repaired or not, speak with a cosmetic dentist professional that offers dental veneer services
