What Are The Benefits Of A Partial Denture?

If you have one or more missing teeth, you may be able to replace them with a partial denture. A partial denture is a tooth appliance that is made to look like your regular teeth that you can remove each day. There are several benefits to getting a partial denture as a tooth replacement option, including the following:

Less Invasive

There are several options to replace teeth when they break or are otherwise extracted. Many options are really invasive and require significant teeth shaping or even major surgery. A partial denture requires very little invasive work. Your dentist will create a partial denture to fit your mouth and other teeth. You should not have any discomfort with a dental partial

Less Expensive

Other tooth replacement options are quite expensive. Any procedure that requires many appointments, surgical procedures, and extensive orthodontia is going to be costly. A partial denture is one of the least expensive options for replacing teeth.

Easy to Adjust

If you ever need to have more teeth added to a dental partial, it is a fairly easy process. You may lose another tooth next to the tooth you lost previously, and you can have your denture partial altered to replace the newly lost tooth.

Protect the Gums and Other Teeth

A dental partial is great to keep your gums and other teeth healthy. If you do not put something in the place of a lost tooth, the other teeth around it can shift around to make up the empty space. Food and other particles can get trapped more easily when the teeth shift around. A dental partial also will keep your gums in good shape because it helps to preserve the tissue and keep it covered.

Easy to Maintain

A dental partial is very easy to take care of. Your dentist will teach you how to place the partial denture in place and provide you with instructions on caring for it. In general, you only have to remove the partial each night and clean it with some gentle denture cleanser. If you ever notice a broken area, you can take it back to the dentist for a quick repair.

Improves Your Smile

A dental partial is a great way to quickly improve your smile. A broken or missing tooth can cause you to feel shy about your smile. When you get a partial, your self-confidence will be boosted and you will feel better about flashing a smile at any time. Contact NOVA PREMIER DENTAL to learn more.
