Improving The Look Of Your Smile: 4 Benefits To Using Porcelain Veneers

If you are unhappy with the look of your smile, you should know that there are many options available to help you achieve the picture-perfect smile you desire. One of these options is the use of porcelain veneers. Continue reading below to learn more about four of the benefits that veneers offer.

Benefit #1: No Need To Extract The Natural Tooth 

Options such as dental implants and crowns can be very effective at improving the look of your smile. The problem with this approach is that your natural teeth must first be extracted. Porcelain veneers, on the other hand, fit snugly over the top of your natural teeth. This means that while you will be able to enjoy a more beautiful smile, you will also be able to continue enjoying all of the benefits that come along with having your natural teeth. 

Benefit #2: Resistant To Stains

One of the most popular ways people go about getting whiter teeth is to have their teeth bleached or whitened by a cosmetic dentist. The problem with this is that while you may be able to eliminate the stains that are currently on your teeth, you will likely develop additional staining in the future. This means that you will need to have your teeth whitened again on a fairly regular basis if you wish to maintain the results. Porcelain veneers are very resistant to staining. As a result, the white smile these veneers provide you with is far more likely to stay white well into the future. 

Benefit #3: Provides Quick Results

Replacing your natural teeth with implants or removing stains through tooth whitening can all take a significant amount of time in order to get the results you are looking for. The results offered by porcelain veneers are virtually instantaneous. In fact, many patients can now take advantage of snap-on veneers which can be applied to the teeth without ever even visiting their dentist. The ability to achieve fast results can be especially beneficial if you are hoping to improve your smile for a special event, such as a wedding or class reunion. 

Benefit #4: More Affordable 

The costs associated with many cosmetic dentistry options are rather significant. Since these procedures are not commonly covered by dental insurance, patients must be able to cover the cost on their own. Porcelain veneers provide a more affordable option when compared to options like braces, implants, and long-term teeth whitening services. 
