How a Dentist Makes Sure Your Dental Implant Remains in Place

Implants are a great way to enhance the functionality and aesthetics of your teeth while also safeguarding against bone loss and other oral health issues. Dentists use various techniques to ensure that the implants remain secure and that there is sufficient jawbone to support the tooth. The jawbone must be strong enough to withstand the chewing forces and provide a solid base for the implant. 

Assessing the Condition of the Jawbone

Dentists use various imaging techniques to assess the jawbone condition, such as X-rays, CT scans, or 3D scans. These images help them determine the bone's shape, size, and density, as well as identify any potential problems, such as infections, cysts, or tumors. Dentists can plan the best location and angle for implant placement based on these images.

With an adequate jawbone, the dentist can proceed by:

  • Making an incision
  • Drilling a hole in the bone
  • Inserting the implant into the hole

Afterward, the dentist puts a crown in place, and the healing process begins. The bone grows around the implant.

When There Isn't Enough Jawbone

If the jawbone is not adequate for implant placement, dentists may recommend one of the following options:

  • Bone grafting
  • Sinus lift
  • Zygomatic implants

Once the osseointegration process is complete, dental professionals can utilize an abutment and a permanent crown to attach to the implant. The abutment connects and supports the implant and the crown, a tailor-made artificial tooth that mimics the shape, size, and color of the surrounding teeth.

The crown is secured onto the abutment through either cementation or screwing, resulting in a replacement tooth that is both practical and visually appealing.

Post-Operative Care

To make sure that dental implants remain in place and do not cause any complications, dentists advise patients to follow some post-operative care instructions, such as:

  • Avoiding smoking, drinking alcohol, or eating hard or sticky foods for a few days after surgery
  • Rinsing with salt water or an antibacterial mouthwash to prevent infections
  • Taking painkillers or antibiotics as prescribed by dentists
  • Applying ice packs to reduce swelling or bruising
  • Brushing and flossing 
  • Visiting dentists regularly for check-ups and cleaning

Dental implants are one of the most effective and durable solutions for replacing missing teeth. However, they require careful planning, preparation, and maintenance to ensure long-term success. By following a dentist's advice and taking good care of their oral hygiene, your dental implants will last for many years to come.

Contact a dentist near you today for dental implants.
